Normally I don't advocate for amendments to the Florida Constitution. Too many of them are driven by very narrowly focused special interests (remember the pregnant pigs, anyone?). However, the healthcare bill that Congress passed this year is, in my opinion, so extreme, unconstitutional, expensive, unproductive, unnecessarily punitive, socialist, ridiculous, etc. (you get the idea), that we must fight back against it in every way we can.
State Representative Scott Plakon, who I am proud to endorse and even prouder to call a friend, has sponsored a bill that will appear on the ballot as Amendment 9.
From the official website:
The Health Care Freedom Act states that any law or rule shall not compel, directly or indirectly, any individual to participate in any health care system against their will. The Act specifies that individuals cannot be fined, penalized or imprisoned for not participating in a mandated health insurance program.
Here are some links where you can read up on the Act yourself, follow them on Facebook, and get involved:

Protecting Floridians' Healthcare Freedom
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