Friday, August 20, 2010

Huckabee Responds to Desperate, Personal Attacks by Craig Miller

I'll have some more thoughts on this later, but Craig Miller has sunk to an unbelievable, absolutely despicable low this week, with a mailer he sent out quoting the liberal, anti-growth, controversial Winter Park City Commissioners Margie Bridges and Beth Dillaha engaging in false and nasty attacks against Karen Diebel.  Any Republican who quotes Beth Dillaha as an authority on anything needs to turn in their membership card, and probably needs to have their head examined.   

Here's one of the Huckabee calls he recorded last week for Karen Diebel, who he endorsed in June.  Despite the vicious lies and desperate efforts from Karen's opponents, Huckabee has continued to be a strong supporter of Karen's campaign.

1 comment:

  1. Craig Miller should be ashamed of himself. We got his mailer with Beth Dillaha on it attacking Karen. Miller should know better than to try and quote a bunch of liberals in a Republican primary. The voters aren't as stupid as he thinks they are.


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