
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Corrine Brown Chickens Out

This is just so pathetic.  Tomorrow night in Sanford, the Central Florida Urban League had scheduled a candidate forum and debate for the District 3 Congressional race.  This event has been on the calendar for a long time, both campaigns had agreed to the date, time, and format of the debate, and a letter was sent out to both campaigns on October 4th confirming all the details.

Then, earlier today, the Urban League suddenly cancelled the entire event.  Why?  Corrine Brown had backed out at the last minute the day before the event.  Well, Mike Yost was still willing to show up to meet the voters and answer their questions.   No official explanation has been issued by the Brown campaign, but an unnamed source admitted that Corrine Brown apparently doesn't want to debate Mike Yost.

Hmmmm.  I wonder why?  Why is Corrine Brown scared to debate Mike Yost?

Here's Mike Yost giving a speech earlier this month in Orlando (this was an impromptu speech, that he did without any notes or preparation ahead of time):

...and here's Corrine Brown giving a speech on the floor of Congress.  She is reading from her own notes, and, ummm, still apparently having problems...

YouTube | Corrine Brown Congratulating the UF Football Team

Representing your alma mater positively: FAIL.  

Have a great day, y'all, and please remember to support Mike Yost, the only candidate in District 3 willing to actually talk to his constituents and answer their questions. 

1 comment:

  1. That video of Corrine Brown is priceless. Did you see the post on RedState when it came out? I googled it and found the link:
