
Monday, October 4, 2010

Mayra Uribe caught lying about her endorsements

Mayra Uribe is running against Jennifer Thompson for Orange County Commission, District 4. Apparently Uribe has realized that she can't outwork Jennifer Thompson - Jennifer's been working hard to earn the votes of District 4 residents for years and almost won the four-way primary outright - and so Uribe has resorted to desperate and dishonest tactics in an attempt to save her floundering campaign:

The short story is that Uribe has made claims, in print advertisements, and in speeches and press interviews, that she had the endorsements of Belle Isle Mayor Bill Brooks and Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings, even though neither elected official actually endorsed her candidacy.

Uribe's excuse is that she made a "mistake" and that she "misunderstood" about the endorsements.  Sorry, dahling, but that is not how it works.

Florida law is simple and clear on this issue. Chapter 106 of the Florida Statutes requires that candidates not only get their endorsements in writing but that they get specific permission to mention the endorsement in an advertisement. The law even explicitly states that a contribution to a candidate's campaign is not authorization to claim that the contributor has endorsed the candidate.

Mayra Uribe is either running her campaign in deliberate ignorance of the elections laws, or she knew the law but deliberately violated it.  Or maybe she's just amazingly stupid.

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