
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Herman Cain on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Herman Cain knocked it out of the park last night on the Tonight Show. He gives an excellent discussion of his extensive business experience and why his 999 Plan won't hurt lower income Americans, deftly clarifies his stance on Muslims in the Cabinet, and gives a sharp and funny description of his Republican competitors.

"...I've had over 40 years of EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE!" ~ @THEHermanCain on LenoSat Oct 01 04:23:38 via UberSocial for BlackBerry

In case you missed it, here's the video:

NBC | The Tonight Show With Jay Leno | Herman Cain, Part I (9/30/11)

NBC | The Tonight Show With Jay Leno | Herman Cain, Part 2 (9/30/11)

My favorite part was when Leno asks Cain for his thoughts on the rest of the Republican field. Here's what he said about each of the candidates:
Rick Perry: "Good governor."
Mitt Romney: "Good hair."
Ron Paul: "Grumpy old man."
Michele Bachmann: "Very nice lady."
Rick Santorum: "Stressed."
Jon Huntsman: "He wears ties just like Mr. Cain...didn't ya notice that? At the debates?"
Newt Gingrich: "Brilliant."
Can't say I disagree.


  1. Ha! Cain did a great job on Leno! I am LOVING watching his campaign continue to succeed! 2012 here we come!

  2. I was concerned when I saw Hugh Laurie come on first. (house doesn't miss a single Lib talking point) but Laurie didn't make any comments and actually applauded politely at the end.
    I believe if I were an unaware non political viewer, I would have been very impressed with this guy Cain.
    As an involved thinking voter, I have been aware and supportive of Cain for months. My biigest disappointment had been that the debate moderators have mostly ignored him since the Carolina debate until Florida.
    There is only one candidate I have supported more than Cain, and she still hasn't committed. I am on The Cain Train. ALL ABOARD!!!
