
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sean Penn: The Tea Party just wants to get the black man out of the White House

I'm not sure what is making Sean Penn so cranky. Did the Castro brothers forget to send him a birthday card? Well, since he couldn't hang out with his favorite murderous Cuban communists, he went on Piers Morgan's CNN show instead:

Charming. Penn calls the tea party the "get the N word out of the White House party," and says they just want to "just lynch" the President, while Morgan repeats the scurrilous accusation by Morgan Freeman that "there are elements of the tea party...that want to get the black man out of the White House."
...I'll just skip over Penn's ridiculous statement that tea partiers don't understand social security and focus on the stupid, racist insults...
For starters, while I'm not going to pretend I'm perfect and never use curse words, there are several words I never, ever say, and the "N word" is one of them. I didn't even want to put the phrase in the title of this post. 

Look how happy he is!
He should golf full-time!
Moreover, I have been going to Republican, tea party, and conservative events every month for the past several years (in the South, nonetheless!), and, as shocking as this might be to a genius like Sean Penn, I'm not hearing people using the N-word or plotting how to lynch the President!

We don't want Obama harmed. We just want him to retire on January 21, 2013 to spend more time with his family and on the golf course. 

And regarding the accusation from both Penn and Morgan that we want to "get the black man out of the White House," they couldn't be more wrong.

We love, love, LOVE the idea of a black man in the White House!

Sean Penn, you moron. Yes, I want to get the black man out of the White replacing him with another black man! @THEHermanCain!Tue Oct 18 04:59:20 via UberSocial for BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. There is no black man in the White House. There is a biracial man in the White House. Herman Cain will be our first black president.
