
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

#StandWithRubio - GOP Candidates Announce Boycott of Univision Debate

Que imbecilidad
Spanish-language TV station Univision learned a lesson today about the limits of their influence.

After the story broke that Univision had released an embarrassing twenty year old story about Senator Marco Rubio's brother-in-law, allegedly in retaliation for Rubio's refusal to appear on the liberal Al Punto show (Shark Tank has a good write up here), three Hispanic Republican leaders - Congressman David Rivera, Florida House Majority Leader Carlos Lopez-Cantera, and Miami-Dade County Republican Party Chairman Erik Fresen - sent letters to the Republican National Committee and the Republican presidential campaigns.

The candidates responded in an avalanche today, with Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Jon Huntsman, and Michele Bachmann all announcing that they would boycott a Univision-hosted debate unless the station made amends with Rubio.

Marc Caputo at the Miami Herald has a good write up here, with more details about the controversy and statements from the campaigns.

I applaud this show of Republican unity in support of Senator Rubio. Univision now faces the choice between completely losing their chance to host a Republican debate (even if Santorum, Paul, and Johnson wanted to have a debate, no one would pay to produce it) or eating crow.

Hope they're hungry...

¡Buen provecho!

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