
Monday, March 5, 2012

Two videos, one voice: #IAmAndrewBreitbart

In case you missed it, Andrew Breitbart's websites relaunched last night with a fantastic, updated layout and a renewed commitment to do the job that the media failed to do in 2008: vet the record of Barack Obama.

Take some time today and wander around - there's some incredible content posted there during just the last 24 hours (you will definitely want to check out Andrew's last article: The Vetting, Part I: Barack's Love Song to Alinsky).

It was amazing to see the reaction online last night during the launch of the new sites. #IAmAndrewBreitbart, #Breitbart, #BigGovernment, #BigJournalism, #BigHollywood#BigPeace, and #BreitbartTV were all trending topics on Twitter (many, if not all of them, trending nationwide!) at various points, and my timeline was one continuous, glorious roar.

I LOVE that twitter tonight is an endless stream of joyful #war cries #ForAndrew #IAmAndrewBreitbart #BigGovernment #BigJournalism #BigPeaceMon Mar 05 04:21:47 via Echofon

Anyway, as a final tribute to Andrew, I just wanted to share two videos put together by other blogger friends of mine:

From Rick Hornsby at Flyover Country:

YouTube | rjhornsby | Andrew Breitbart: One Voice

The beautifully haunting song in the video is "One Voice," by the Wailin' Jennys from their album "40 Days," and the lyrics are just perfect, telling how one voice builds on another. As Rick described it in his post, Andrew Breitbart was "one voice who launched a thousand other voices."

From Misfit Politics:

YouTube | misfitpolitics | I Am Andrew Breitbart
"Because of Andrew Breitbart, the old media is being pushed away, and being replaced by the new media. The citizen journalist is on the rise."
- Brandon Morse (@CnservativePunk), Misfit Politics CEO
I am Andrew Breitbart. You are Andrew Breitbart. We are all Andrew Breitbart.


Related posts:

Sunshine State Sarah | We have lost a giant: RIP Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012) [UPDATED to include lots of links]

Sunshine State Sarah | Breitbart in 140 or less

Sunshine State Sarah | They hate, Breitbart laughs

Sunshine State Sarah | Andrew Breitbart is going to save the world


  1. Yes, let the vetting begin! Everyone should be sending the Breitbart link around today.

  2. Great work by your friends on those videos. Glad to see we have a talented Patriot Army ready to take up Andrew Breitbart's battle cry!

